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Mantua - Wonder Where You Are


Year of production:2014

Running Time: 4:36 min

Music Video.

Mantua is a band formed decades ago. They came to Home Video Studio looking to make a difference, and safe lives. They wanted to take one of their songs and make a video to dipicte and raise attention towards the dangers of texting and driving. Ken and Myself shot this video useing a Nikon D3200 with a 75mm Rokinon "Cine lense" mounted, and Panasonic AVCHD cam. I then Edited the video useing Adobe Premiere Pro. This was the most intensive chroma keying project I have encountered yet. Though the song may come across a bit dated, in the end, I felt the message was clear and am happy with the visual story told. 

2013 Studio Production Highlight Reel


Year of production:2013

Running Time: 2:00 min

In 2013 the studio I was contracting for produced a good amount of content. We produced testiomionals, concert proformences, product demenstrations, skill highlights, consumer imformational videos, and even a time lapse. I was first assistant camera in most cases, as well as production assistent. Then I proformed all edits, includeing the final combalation of the highlight reel, within Adobe Premiere Pro.

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